AppSheet editor bugs?

I have listed my questions and bugs that I noticed in the AppSheet editor.

1. You can only assign action in a Backdrop Card view when you open that view. There's no option to change the action when you clicked the card to change the photo/title. See the GIF below

 Card Backdrop.gif

2. You can only assign a number (for range) if the initial value is a number. If you will use IFS() formula then it will not return the correct initial value

DISPLAY MODE: Range (With IFS() formula)





DISPLAY MODE: Range (With Initial Value of 50)




DISPLAY MODE: Auto (With IFS() formula)





3. I can choose slice for scheduled automation with for each row in table is enabled. But I cannot choose slice when choosing processes




4. Tables are not alphabetically arranged in processes but it's alphabetically arranged in the events





To be continued....


7 11 454

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Escalated (x4)

Thank you Steve!

Thank you for raising these! We're still working through them, item #4 that you pointed out I fixed yesterday and will be released soon.

Thanks! I still have a lot on my list and will post it here once I have free time

RE #2: Expressions in Initial Value

AFAIK this is working as intended. 

From, an initial value expression is used to assign initial or default values for a column in a new entry.

What's happening in your case is, if I understand correctly.

  1. Initial Value is set to the expression "IFS(ISNOTBLANK([First Name]), 50)
  2. User clicks on new contact
  3. Since [First Name] is blank, initial value is set to ?
  4. User fills out [First Name]
  5. Since the new entry was already initialized, initial value is not reevaulated and stays at ?.

If you give [First Name] an initial value as well, the initial value for phone should be set to 50 because during initialization ISNOTBLANK([First Name]) == true.

If I'm misunderstanding your issue let me know!

Hey Pat. Please check the GIFs below

DISPLAY MODE: Range (With IFS() formula)

Slider Bug.gif


DISPLAY MODE: Auto (With IFS() formula)

Number Fixed.gif

@PatW your understanding of Initial value would appear to be wrong. Initial value remains dynamic until the column value it provides is changed by the user. Other column values my be changed at will.

Agreed!  Sorry for that and I've added a ticket to fix slider to our backlog.

I also see the Problem with initial value in slider (range). This was working for over a year. Now when you use an expression it will show only "?". I use a INDEX(SELECT(...),1) expression.

Quick update on this, we found the issue and will be rolling out a fix early next week. 

Sorry for the delay, this should be fully rolled out!  Let me know if you continue to see issues with sliders and initial value expressions.

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