Auto-search when opening view

Hello all!

We have a view which is basically a table of the whole dataset (no slices). Whenever we use use that view, it's basically to search for a record and always have to hit the search button up top to find the order# we're looking for

Is there a way to automate that search-click? In other words, if we click on that view, it would automatically ask us (maybe through pop-up?) what item we were searching for?

Or another similar feature - not sure if it works with Actions, Automations, or something else

Thank you in advance!

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  • UX

No, there isn't a capability like that such that when you access the view it automatically asks for some search value. 

The effort to type in the search value in a pop-up and then tap Save is no better than tapping the Search function and then typing in the search value.

So I am not sure of what problem you are trying to solve?

I can offer this...

You can create a button for a current row that when tapped, automatically navigates to a filtered view using the search value from that row. so for example, let's say I am looking at details of a row based on Order #12345.  I am shown a button that I tap.  The button will automatically navigate to a filtered view showing me all rows involving Order #12345.


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