Auto update of column not happening

Hi All,

I have date column as today and now. And itโ€™s not changing next day untill we open the record and save.
Based on the date field andother field will be changed to inactive.
But date is not updating everyday old date is there.

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Normal (not virtual) columns with an App formula will not update until/unless the row is updated through a form or by an action.


Thanks for the comments.

I have to compare the today date and due date and need to update the โ€œActiveโ€ column to โ€œNโ€.
if([Current Date]>=[NEXT DUE DATE],โ€œNโ€,โ€œYโ€).

I cant open each and every row and do the action and set to today date bcoz table has 100 rows. Is there any way to update all the 100 rows to todayโ€™s date.

If you donโ€™t need the computed-columnโ€™s value stored in your spreadsheet, you could replace the normal column with a virtual column, which will automatically update every time the app syncs. If you do need the value stored, the only option is to update the row, but you can automate the update with an action, and either attach the update action to a form-saved event, create a workflow to perform the update when appropriate, or use a scheduled report to update periodically.

See also:

Hi Steve, I have been learning appsheet for about a month so far, and 95% of the issues I have run into (including this one) you have posted a clear solution for. Just wanted to say thank you, you are a great resource.

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