Block link to another view until condition is true


Is there a way to temporarily "block" the transition to another view, until a condition is true?
I have an app where inserting data into a table A works only after updating a field X in another table.
So it happens that if I act too "fast", inserting data on the table A BEFORE field X is synchronized and updated in the appsheet, the insertion doesn't work correctly.
I've seen that I can insert a bot that "WAIT" a condition, but I don't understand how to associate it with an event so that it temporarily blocks entry to the view.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me!

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Is the insertion into table A via a bot or manual?

This is a manual entry.
Let me explain: by clicking on an instance of a deck view I am taken to another view set up for manual entry of data into table A. With the same click (via a specific Action) a field in table B is first updated, which I use as a "variable". Updating this variable is necessary for manual entry into table A to work correctly.
So, as I said, it can happen that if I enter the manual insert view and quickly perform an insert BEFORE the variable in table B has actually synchronized, the insert will not happen correctly.
It would be great if, clicking on the instance of the deck view, the app "wait" to take me to the manual entry view until the variable is actually updated.

Thanks for your help!!

So I'm asssuming its an action that groups two actions together.  Simply add &"&at="&(NOW()+1) to the end of the action sending them somewhere else e.g.


 This will go to that view then immediately force a sync, giving the first action time to catch up ๐Ÿ™‚


Actually it can be a solution!

- So you confirm that you don't think there is the possibility to program a sort of "SELECTVIEW IF", which waits for a condition to open a view. This would save me from switching from forced sync.
- My curiosity: why writing NOW()+1 forces a synchronization? Written like this, it would seem more like the program switched to view after 1 second of waiting.

Thank you!

So no you can't program a wait function into an action.

How does it work, beats me ๐Ÿ˜†  Magic as far as I'm concerned.

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