CSV Import Process

Hi all, was looking some help understanding how the CSV importing process works on the app. 

I have a process where users upload CSVs for two different tables, however the order in which the spreadsheet lists out the content is not the same way it is listed on the application. 

For example, if new records were added to one of the tables it doesn't appear at the end of the list it appears to be randomly allocated in the view? There are no sorting options applied in the view to re-order the records. 

This is causing issues for our users who use these items to cross reference with other docs so the order of the records is important and created with purpose. 

CSV Uploaded - 


App View - Items ordered differently 


Same thing is happening here, users uploading new records and the record doesn't appear at the bottom so we have mixed up items - South 11 at the top, South 12 at the bottom, Additions aren't together. Again, the order of these records is important to our business processes. 


Again, I would like to understand how the CSV import is working and how it selects the records to upload first. Or if there are any suggestions how I can get the user to re-order these in the app as they would prefer?

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Platinum 4

Unless you, the app creator, have built in some mechanism to give the rows an order, you cannot and should not expect the rows to occur in any specific order--you should assume they will be in a different random order every time.

If the order of records is important, you need to include a value in each record that determines that order. One common way is a creation timestamp.

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