Can not view signature images in another app

I have two apps (App_A, App_B) that share the same table. The table has a signature column. When a row is created in App_A, the signature image is stored, on google drive, in /appsheet/data/App_A/my_table_images/. The filepath that is stored in the table, for a signature image, is of the form “my_table_images/my_signature.png”. These load fine in App_A because appsheet knows to look in “/appsheet/data/App_A/” for the image.

The problem is that the signatures do not load in App_B. I just see the ‘file not found’ triangle. I assume this is because the app is looking for an image here: “/appsheet/data/App_B/my_table_images/my_signature.png”. App_B does not know that it should be looking in “/appsheet/data/App_A/”

I tried changing the “Image/File folder path” setting of the signature column to these values: “/appsheet/data/App_B/”, “/data/App_B/”, “/App_B/”, but none of those options work.

Does anyone know what I should do?

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  • UX


I’m not check it right now, but I throught it might have something to do with the security option setting.

Chenged the Secure Image access or Require image and file url signing in App_A may change the result.

Sorry for ther uncertainty information, but I hope you can give it a try.

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem.

Hi @Daniel_Turner The “Image/File folder path” must always be relative to the location of the spreadsheet. So you need to have the image folder in both places: “/appsheet/data/App_A/” and “/appsheet/data/App_B/”. If you are using Google Drive you can solve it this way:

  • Select the image folder in “/appsheet/data/App_A/”
  • Hit Shift + Z
  • Select the folder “/appsheet/data/App_B/” and hit “Add”

Now you have the same folder in two places. This is not a copy - it’s called multi parenting.

Info: Right click on the image folder and select “Add shortcut to Drive” does not do the job.

Alternative: Under Info > Properties > Default app folder you could paste the same path from App_A to App_B. I think this should solve your problem, two. Then all files are in “/appsheet/data/App_A/”.

If you are using the google drive folder, just create a shortcut of the application image folder A (where you capture the images) inside the application folder B (where you want to display the images).

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