Can't select a column in Category field

Hi all

Hoping someone can help.

I can't seem to select certain columns in the Category field within the View Options for a Calendar type view. I have done this in the past for the exact same functioning column type, but with new apps I cannot select this particular column.

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.

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  • UX

Only certain Column Types qualify to be part of the Category property in the Calendar View.  The columns must be some kind of repeatable value type columns like Yes/No, Enum, EnumList and even Ref columns.  In other words, values that will "group" or "categorize" the calendar items well.

Columns like Text, Decimal, Number, File, Image, etc are not good candidates as a Category column as the values can be very "unique" to each other and not create good classifications of the data.

If you have certain columns that you don't understand why they don't show in the Category property, show us the column definition so we can help.

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