Can you make a WhatsApp link to detail open the App rather than the Browser

New Member

Hi everyone,

Iโ€™ve setup a WhatsApp action which sends a link to a detail view for a record.

When the recipient clicks on the link it opens in the browser.

Is there a way to default to the app rather?

2 18 957

Hola Jarรณs, me compartirias como lo hiciste


@Jaros wrote:

Is there a way to default to the app rather?

 This is device specific config, not AppSheet related. But consider that AppSheet has an URI of this type:

Create app launchers or launch apps and URLs from AppSheet apps - AppSheet Help

Would you be so kind as to provide me with a specific example of what I have to add next?

""&substitute([Company Phone],"+","")&

I would like it to redirect to the detail view of this row

You could place in the action something like

""&[Company Phone]&"&text&type=phone_number&app_absent=0"

I don't think the substitute is necessary

the link to whatsapp works perfectly for me with that format.

What I would like is to know how to add the LINKTOAPP.
in such a way that the user can jump from whatsapp to appsheet directly to the detailed view in question.

thanks for the return

Se supone que cuando activas un link de WhatsApp, el mismo te pregunta si quieres ir a la App o si quieres quedarte en la Web
Creo que va a depender mas de si el usuario tiene la app.

@juandres wrote:

in such a way that the user can jump from whatsapp to appsheet directly to the detailed view in question

It's up to the user, you can't force the user to open a URL if they have configured their device to not do so. But, in general, it should work without problems

thanks for the reply.

I think I did not express myself well.


" "&substitute([Company Phone],"+","")&
"&text=" *Hello boss please approve this purchase*" linktoview(myview_detail),linktorow([_thisrow].[ID])"

---->how do I write correctly?

I'm sorry, I don't know much about syntax๐Ÿ˜ฅ

@juandres wrote:

" "&substitute([Company Phone],"+","")&
"&text=" *Hello boss please approve this purchase*" linktoview(myview_detail),linktorow([_thisrow].[ID])"

---->how do I write correctly?

Probably this way:

  SUBSTITUTE([Company Phone], "+", ""),
      "Hello boss please approve this purchase: ",
      LINKTOVIEW("Detail_View_Name", "AppId")

sadly it didn't work.

Thank you very much for the contribution




Please change it to this:

  SUBSTITUTE([Company Phone], "+", ""),
      "Hello boss please approve this purchase: ",


I think we are close now.

It already opens the app but it goes to the Start view by default ๐Ÿ˜ฎ



TY again

Are you using the Desktop Mode?.
Also, you are linking to a Detail View but you are not providing any ID, which makes no sense to me

Excato, on the web it takes me to the start view.

in the app it takes me to the detail view. (great, you're a genius)

How can I provide the element id?

@juandres wrote:

Excato, on the web it takes me to the start view

Don't expect it to work differently because it's half baked still.

@juandres wrote:

How can I provide the element id?

LINKTOROW() - AppSheet Help

Finally it worked perfectly for me (in the mobile version). I am really grateful to you.


@juandres wrote:

(great, you're a genius)

Nah, I just have more experience with the platform.

Btw, read the docs, that will always help in the journey to master AppSheet

great contribution.

doing research


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