Cannot access Camera Roll on IOS

I’ve built an app that allows users to attach files to a field report, and the attachment mechanism is working well on PC or Android mobile devices, but is not entirely working on iOS. The file picker that appears in iOS only allows the user to select from iCloud, not from the Camera Roll. This appears to be a known issue and has been brought up a few times, but none of these provide a solution that works for my app:

I’ve enabled UX > Options > Allow image input from gallery.
I’ve looked through the iOS settings, but there is no Camera or Files permissions for AppSheet, and AppSheet doesn’t appear under the available apps in the Privacy > Photos settings.

This is a native AppSheet app, not a whitelisted deployment. Anything else I can try to get iOS users to be able to pick from their Camera Roll?

Thank you!

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I’m not sure but I wonder if this isn’t the problem. Please check the settings for the AppSheet app inside your iPhone’s “Settings”:

When you tap on photos, do you see the following?

If you have “Selected Photos” checked, I think that may be your problem.

This worked for me. Thank you Kirk!

Photos isn’t an available setting under AppSheet for me or my coworkers who are helping me troubleshoot this.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please contact Support for help with this.

It looks like this is a limitation of the File column type. I would need to include an Image column type if the user wanted to upload an image file. I had assumed that File would allow the user to access and upload ANY file on their device, including images, but that is not the case.

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