Custom Editable Permissions based on the view

Hello Reader ,
My requirement is that I want the Approval Section i.e Approval of Approver column which has two values YES/NO โ€ฆI want this field/column non editable in the โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€ view in my app otherwise in other views it should be editable โ€ฆ
Could anyone suggest me the expression that will satisfy my requirementโ€ฆrequirement is I want โ€œApproval of Approverโ€ Field/Column to be non editable in the โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€ view in my app , it should only show whatever value/status that is earlier has been set by or in other view โ€ฆ
Please help me with this

0 10 85

Please use CONTEXT() functions.

Please use in the column [Approval of Approver] columnโ€™s Editable_if setting, an expression something like

CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€)<> โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€

Or, if the user is editing that field in some other view(s), it is better to use the equality operator as shown below

CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) = โ€œApprove Requests_Formโ€

or there are two such views

OR(CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) = โ€œApprove Requests_Formโ€, CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€)= โ€œReview Requests_Formโ€)

Hello Sir , I tried using NOT(CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) = โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€) this expression before your reply and it is working fineโ€ฆshould i change or no?

No, not necessary to change. Generally, equality operators are a better option than non-eequality operators. Logically both will work.

Thank you for the help!

Sir now i want that coulmn/field to be non editable in two views of the app namely โ€œRequests Approved_Formโ€ and โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€. I tried using OR(CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) <> โ€œRejected Requests_Formโ€ , CONTEXT(โ€œViewโ€) <> โ€œRequests Approved_Formโ€) but its is not working and not giving the desired outputโ€ฆit is only working in i have single view condtionโ€ฆwhat soultion should i go for please suggest

Please try using AND() instead of OR() and please revert if AND() works instead of OR()

AND is working sir thanksโ€ฆbut why did OR did not work could you please tell me in short if you can , thanks!

Sure. With OR(), even if the condition is met for any one of the two CONTEXT() arguments, the expression evaluates to TRUE. And one of the two views or both the views will always not be there. So OR() always evaluates to true. With AND() , the expression evalues to true only if both the arguments , meaning both those views are not there.

got you sir thanks for this!

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Platinum 4

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