Dashboard Error

I have 2 dashboards and both have the interactive mode enabled. Both dashboard uses the same Notes database and the same In-line view of Notes. (Locates at the far right side of the dashboards)Notes not filtering in one of the dashboardsNotes not filtering in one of the dashboards

It used to work properly but somehow the Notes stopped filtering in one of those dashboard and the other one works fines.

Cannot find what's wrong and tried re-added the Inline Notes in the dashboard but still not working.

Please help.

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Hello there @Violet, I can't see very clearly what's going on in that GIF, but as a rule of thumb, for something to filter when pressing something else in a dynamic dashboard there must be a REF between the two, be it a physical column or a virtual one, do you have that?

Generally pressing the father row filters the child rowss, but pressing the child rows only highlights the father row.

Hi Rafael,

Thanks for replying.

Yes, there's REF columns in Notes that reference other tables like Course, Students, Parents. 

It was working when I firstly set the dashboard up but someday it just stopped working.

Not sure what's wrong after trying re-organize the whole board.

It's causing many problem now because the notes section is not working as intended.

I see, if you could please send screenshots of the dashboards that don't work as well as screenshots of the tables behind each view in the dashboard I could help you troubleshoot further.

Hi Rafael,

Thanks for replying.

Please find the screenshots below.

The dashboard has problem with the Notes section.


Here's the tables of notes and sample datas. The highlighted fields are all ref type.




I tried clicking on the course on the dashboard which has note taken.  

It's not filtering.

Hope this is clear enough for you to understand the situation and fingers crossed that we could find a way to solve it.






I am also currently having this issue, the interactive mode use to be working, but it has suddenly stopped working with no changes to existing app structure.

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