Dashboard is not resyncing to what views i have

I am noticing something different with the dashboards. Used to when i re sync - the dashboard would display my views the way i had them. Now after i re sync it - it doesn’t hold the layout…

Anyone else seeing this?

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You can see this sometimes when you’re making active changes to dashboards and trying to “Live View” them on a PC.

If you navigate to a different view within the app, then return, the dashboard should right itself.

If not, try clearing your browser cache - that should do the trick.

Thanks. I will try deleting all the cache. I haven’t been working on either app, so it must be the cache…


Hi Tiger,

Yes I believe there is a problem. I’ve been battling with this for a couple of hours trying to figure out if I have done something wrong with deployment of my new App. I have looked at cookies, cache, browser settings, using different browsers etc. but nothing seems to help. As soon as the App does a background sync it resets the dashboard windows. I have already posted in a similar thread so hopefully someone will pick up on it soon.

This is a bug the team has been battling with; please report this to support@appsheet.com

Thanks @MultiTech_Visions just glad it’s not me going crazy!! I’m sure they’ll sort it soon.

I’m having the same problem here today. All my 3 apps are resetting the dashboard for all my users.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Thanks for reporting this. I escalated, it was investigated, and a recent change was found to be the cause. The change is being rolled-back, but it may take a few hours to reach you.

Thanks Steve I was passing by too. I hope it will be sorted out soon.

Hi Steve,

I guess you may be all tucked up in bed by now but do you (or anyone else) have an idea when this might be resolved so I can manage my client’s expectations? Tested again this morning and the problem is still there.

Many thanks

Unfortunately, I have no new information, and it’s early yet for the developers (they’re one the US west coast where I’m on the east coast), so they aren’t yet available to ask. I’ll leave a message, though. Sorry.

Thanks Steve.

Thanks for always helping Steve. It is not the biggest deal for me. But I do know my users will start asking…

It hasn’t been resolved here either, but I hope it will be throughout the day! Thanks @Steve

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Received word that the fix could not be deployed last night, but is now expected to go out this morning (US/Pacific).

Good news Steve. Thanks

@Steve Great news! I can confirm that the testing I’ve just done suggests that we are back up and running again!

Thanks for your help and please thank the developer team.

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