Deleting specific data in the row.

Hi guys.
Im working on app that will allow me to add many barcodes at once to table1, and will split them with bulk bot to table2 as a single row's.

i did a enum list that stores barcodes and splits them with ",". Something like that:

And i made a bot thats use's api to delete first entry in the "scaned barcodes" row, but it doesn't trigger. It is a problem that i use appsheet database rather than excels sheets? 

I don't even know what to do now.
here's weebhook body, where "Zeskanowane kody kreskowe"="Scaned barcodes" 

"Action": "Edit",
"Properties": {
"Locale": "en-US",
"Location": "47.623098, -122.330184",
"Timezone": "Pacific Standard Time"
"Rows": [
"ID": "<<[Row ID]>>",
"Zeskanowane kody kreskowe": "<<LIST(SUBSTITUTE([Zeskanowane kody kreskowe], INDEX(SPLIT([Zeskanowane kody kreskowe], ', '), 1), ''))>>"


0 8 177

When you say, "it doesn't trigger", do you mean that nothing happens when the Bot should be trigger or is it throwing an error in Audit history?

The issue is that when I make an entry, and there are, for example, 3 barcodes in table1, only one entry is created in table2 with the first barcode. The webhook function that should remove this first barcode in table1 does not activate. In simpler terms: I make an entry in table1 > only one entry appears in table2, and that's it, no errors, or something else. It looks like he just ended his work

What is your whole process? What kind of Bot you are using when generating rows to table 2? Webhook as well? Are these two in the same Bot?

This is how it looks: in table1, I have an EnumList with the following formula:
ISBLANK([Scanned Barcodes]), LIST([Barcode]) + LIST([_THISROW_BEFORE].[_THIS]),
TRUE, SPLIT([Scanned Barcodes], ",") + LIST([Barcode]) + LIST([_THISROW_BEFORE].[_THIS])

(run a data action > Add new rows) The bot responsible for adding values to table2 is triggered by a change in data in table1. Its first step is to copy data from table1 to table2, where the barcode has the following value:
INDEX(SPLIT([_THISROW].[Scanned Barcodes], ","), 1)


(call a webhook > mentioned above) The second step is to remove the first value in the latest entered sequence of barcodes, triggering the bot again until COUNT([Scanned Barcodes]) > 0.

It sounds the whole process is a little bit complicated. Why don't you add rows directly from the row (table 1) as you already know the content and how many rows to add? You could use Start: & End expression for that purpose as it generates the loop by itself.

"I need this for storing oxygen cylinders; there are over 200 of them, each with its own barcode. I don't have any database with their codes, so each one has to be added manually, setting its capacity and owner at the same time. This will take ages, so I wanted to speed up the process by scanning several cylinders at once with the same capacities and owners, and then simply transcribing them one by one using a bot."

This sounds like you are utilizing a work around looping action since Appsheet does not have a built in looping action. Is this correct? What I have found implementing looping actions myself is that unless you have a regular column (not virtual column) that gets updated with a counter, or using SELECT() in the process to update the execution count, the looping does not function correctly because the loop tries to execute again before the counting formula updates. So essentially it creates a 'race' condition where the loop starts over before the COUNT() formula updates and the counting is still the same and therefore the loop stops.

yea, thats right, im trying to loop it. So do i get it right, if i make it a vitual column, it should work? 

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