Export a file to a cloud location

I need to export a file to a cloud location - let’s say a OneDrive location. I know there’s an action to create a CSV file, but I need to automatically send the file to a cloud location (not send the file email, but drop it in a cloud location). I looked at workflow rules but didn’t see what I’m looking for.

Is this even possible?

0 11 519

Take a look at the workflow SaveFile action.

I looked at that, but I got lost in the template file creation. Are you aware of a demo app showing this? Thank you!

In the documentation regarding the Save File action, the documentation says to set the “HTTP Content Type Property” to “CSV”. Where exactly does this happen?

I figured out where to do this. It’s in the workflow set up.

I set up a report to save a file at a specified time each day. I created a template using the “Create” button within the action of the report. The report did not run (a file was not created). I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or how to troubleshoot. See my report definition below. Thanks.

Take a look at the Log and see if there was an error reported.

Edit: I assume you had it setup before 2:25 PM today?

Also, I do not believe you can save to a local computer location. I have read through some of the documentation to be absolutely certain and I find no direct mention of it. But if you think about it, the apps are designed to run from a mobile device which will never have access to local file location.

Yes, you’re correct. That makes sense; from a phone, you would never save anything locally. So I’ll muddle through the syntax for a cloud location and test that. And yes, I did have it set up before 2:25.

I can’t figure out the syntax to specify a OneDrive cloud location. I set the report up to run, and the log says it did (I think), but no file was created.

Check for a “Default app folder”. This is found at Info -> Properties - App Properties

You would start at the “Default app folder” location. If none entered then you would need to start at the root level - the same location that the “appsheet” folder is found.

From the starting point above, you should be seeing the folder named “OneDrive - MasTec”. The remaining folder path would be found underneath that.

If you are still not seeing the folder “OneDrive - MasTec” at the root level in your OneDrive account, then I would suggest testing without a File Folder Path specified. In this case AppSheet will create a default “Files” folder at the same starting location identified above - root level or “Default app folder”.

Check the details in the Audit History. It should tell you where the file was written.

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