Filter (empty) not work on the EnumList in the table view

I have an App with a column that contains a nullable EnumList. When I attempt to filter the data in the table view based on the EnumList column, it does not seem to work properly. However, filtering on a nullable Enum column works correctly.

Note: The data source of My App is RDS for Maria, and both the columns are nullable varchar.

### EnumList and Enum columns have the same configuration:

- searchable & editable, plus

截圖 2023-03-13 上午10.54.10.png

### Filter result 

截圖 2023-03-13 上午11.01.32.png


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@ronniew wrote:

When I attempt to filter the data in the table view based on the EnumList column, it does not seem to work properly

What is the problem?  Describe your use case and what it is you are seeing that is not correct.  It will help to shoe the data. show what you are applying as the filter  as well as the result.

I just tried filtering in one of my apps and I am not seeing an issue.


Apologies for my delayed response. I have an EnumList column in my app that contains empty values. I am currently attempting to locate all the rows with empty values in the table view, based on that column.

Here are some examples:

The column in the table view that contains some empty values:

截圖 2023-03-20 上午11.35.35.png

The filter that I have set:

截圖 2023-03-20 上午11.35.56.png

and the result is no item(however, that column actually contains empty values):

截圖 2023-03-20 上午11.36.08.png

Ah,  I see!   I believe this to be a bug.  Please report it to AppSheet support.

I'm having this same issue, so it's a long standing bug, it happens in both mobile and desktop mode
@devingu @lizlynch 
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