Filtering Data Based on a Dynamically Selected Month and Year

We currently have a spreadsheet containing a table with data on users of a product. There is a date column showing when each user began using the product as well as a column that holds the date when the user stopped using the product(if they are still using the product the cell in that column is left blank for that user).

We need to set up a way so that in our dashboard view we can present some type of input field or button for the app users to select month and year; this will then filter the data from the user information table to only show users who have either a "blank" value in the column denoting the date they stopped using the product, or that the date in that row of the column is less than the end date of the month selected in the selected year.

This is simple to do with a filter statement and a static date value to filter by, but I'm not sure how we can go about setting this up with the need to dynamically insert an end of month date and a year dynamically chosen by the user via some input element on the dashboard view. 

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Create a table to allow the user to choose their desired filter settings (e.g., month and year). Each user should have their own row in this table.

Create a slice on this table, with a Row filter condition expression that includes only the row corresponding to the current app user.

Create a detail view in the ref position for this slice. Add the user-settable columns as Quick edit columns.

Include this detail view in your dashboard.

Create a slice on one of the tables you want filtered. Craft a Row filter condition expression that uses the values from the slice above to include only rows that match the user's filter criteria.

Base your data view in the dashboard on the data-filtering slice rather than on the data table itself.

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