Format Rules dynamically reference another table

I have one table set up with a list of statuses, and one of the columns in that status is color.

I'm then referencing these statuses in another table, so I can set statuses against a job. I'd like to set up a formatting rule, so that if I create a status and set the color to green in the status table, if I then set a job to 'complete' it will turn green. I know I can hard-code this in a status rule, but I'd like it to be dynamic, so if I go to the status table and change 'complete' to black, all 'complete' jobs would then turn black as well.

Is this possible?

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Not in a format rule.

An alternate technique would be to add a virtual color column to the jobs table with an app formula that returns the status's color via a dereference expression. You could display that color column in views.

@duanehumphreys TRY THIS 

IN([format ValueColumn], Table2[ColumnToReference])

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