Format logo in one horizontal row

Hi Guys

I hope this is not a silly question. Is it possible to have logo horizontally in different formating color?



0 5 83

Yes it's possible with format rules. Though it depends if the new functionality is released to your AppSheet account already. Earlier all icons were using the latest format rule's color (or was it the first one).

I was code to represent formatting and below is the formatting layout:

COLUMN NAME                  CODE            COLOUR ON LOGO

[CAL CODE]                            0                    GREEN

[CAL CODE]                           13                    ORANGE

[CAL CODE]                           13.1                  YELLOW

[CAL CODE]                           13.2                  RED

[STOCKTAKE]                       0                     GREEN

[STOCKTAKE]                       12                     PURPLE

[STOCKTAKE]                       12.1                   CYAN

[STOCKTAKE]                       12.2                    RED


In the above logo side by side the scale logo will response to colde 0, 13, 13.1 and 13.2. The folder will respond to code 0, 12, 12.1 and 12.2

You would need to have different rules for each color/code.

Can show some very simple example for me to kick start ? Really have no idea of how to itโ€ฆ

Just as simple as [Cal Code]="13.2"

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