Formula not showing in spreadsheet


We have added a formula into a number column to return an amount based on an answer being Yes in another column. The formula works fine on App Sheet and shows correctly in the records, however the record is not showing in the back end excel spreadsheet.

Should the record show in the back end excel spreadsheet?

Could anyone help as we need this to link to the spreadsheet.

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What is the column type? What is the formula? Can you please show us your table? Thanks.

Column type is 'Number'

Formula is - if([Managers Approval]=yes, [Annual Leave Days (This is the number of days to be taken!)], "0")

annual leave formula.PNG

The approved days is showing that the formula is working as the 'annual leave days' column = 4. However in the spreadsheet, the column isn't picking up that data.

OK Thanks.

Is Approved Days a virtual column?

Did you do a Sync? 

No, just a normal column.

We have a column in a different spreadsheet which will be updated with the 'Approved Days' which is why we need the column to be visible in the spreadsheet.

I have synced yes.



So you a have a spreadsheet that is the datasource for your app. In this spreadsheet you have the value updated with the sync.

Then you have a different spreadsheet and the problem is the value is not updated in this other spreadsheet, right?

No, so the datasource hasn't updated with the sync. 

We need that to update before we can link the spreadsheets.

annual leave formula 2.PNG

OK, I see that the value is empty for all rows. I guess then that you might have updated the "Manager Approval" column to Yes in all rows directly in the sheet, not through your App. 

If this is the case, then yes the column will not be updated unless the row is edited in the App itself. 


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