Future of AppSheet

Hello people, I don't know if it has happened to you but lately I feel a kind of decrease in activity in the community. Is that so? Perhaps Google is contributing more efforts to AI than to AppSheet, which seems normal to me, given the context we live in. But I have felt a decline. Is a feeling?

For my part, I would like to get ahead of the facts. I see that the world is changing but seeing abandoned sections like Features, where we publish but get no response, I feel like we are on an abandoned ship. I hope it's just my perception. Someone give me a comment. Greetings and thanks.

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It seems like there's no one in charge of AppSheet anymore and no one is taking responsibility for anything (please correct me if I'm mistaken). I don't see strong leadership here for business use cases. When it comes to business, professionalism and integrity are key, and it feels like those have been lost. It's like a ship that's been abandoned. 

@Gustavo_Eduardo wrote:

sections like Features, where we publish but get no response

@Rifad wrote:

@infinitejess Thank you for the thorough explanation. I want to clarify that while the feature request may be considered a secondary priority, it is still important. I am concerned about the lack of communication from the AppSheet team regarding various issues. The support team seems ineffective in resolving problems in a timely manner and often doesn't fully comprehend the issues at hand. This is not just a personal concern, but one shared by my clients who have invested heavily in developing with AppSheet based on the reputation of Google. We need answers. 


@Rifad wrote:
@infinitejess wrote:

I am a very sensitive person and people here are pretty mad.


What's got everyone so mad? It seems like people only get upset when things arenโ€™t running smoothly. I get where you're coming from - it can be frustrating. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to business and money is what makes the world go round. Whether it's between me and you, or between my clients and their customers, money is always at the center of it all.


Is AppSheet Listening? Users Say "NO" to Buggy Upd... - Page 2 - Google Cloud Community  

This subject has been discussed a lot, which wasn't so common before Google took over appsheet. It wasn't an issue until Praveen and Steve left AppSheet. It's important because we're responsible for many clients and businesses. 



It's a known fact that Google revenue in billions of dollars, and AppSheet is just a tiny part of Google Cloud under Workspace. It's safe to say that AppSheet wouldn't even make 1% of Google's profits. So, why would they bother to care? It's clear from the posts in this community, including yours, that they're not giving it much thought. Their ignorance is already on display for all to see.

1% of 20 billion is equal to 200 million.

Appsheet might bring in about 50 million ? That means 50 million is just 0.25% of 20 billion. Numbers hold the key to all our questions.

Yes, totally understood, it's actually a company, friend. I get it, I really feel frustrated because every door I try to open is at risk nowadays. I don't know if you've noticed, Rifad, but 20 years ago we were drawing on boards and by hand, today there's virtual reality and AI (20 years).

I still remember the cell phones from 2004. Nokia 1100.

Look, it's obvious there's a huge battle going on but it's not being fought with weapons. And we're a part of it. I'm racking my brain because my idea is to stay with Google but it's difficult because Google doesn't make it easy either and there's a lot of competition and it's not easy for Google. I think they realized it late. Don't you think?

When an exponential graph is about to make a big leap into growth (which is happening now), we're close to a new industrial revolution that will turn everything upside down. Also, if the graph tends towards infinity but resources are finite, it's going to make us think.

It takes a lot of energy and effort to constantly advocate for new features and provide feedback to corporate like Google from a remote location here in England. It feels pity to me too. Might work but might not work.

AppSheet is a great platform that works well and has the advantage of being a no-code solution. The brains behind this success are Praveen and his team, who have done 85% of the heavy lifting. Since Google acquired AppSheet, there has been a 15% improvement overall, but it has taken years to achieve. Progress has been slow, like a turtle, with the platform always seeming to be in beta stages. Basic features like rich text formatting have been neglected, giving off an outdated feel of the early 2000s and many more like this.

Who's in charge of all this chaos? Is it the manager? Can we trust AppSheet to have a good manager running the show in the office ?


It's a pity, but it's the reality. I don't worry too much anymore; I just want to "see land," as a sailor lost at sea would say. Where are we headed? That would be my question. I've started studying programming, as maybe one option is to code my own apps; however, "When I learned all the answers, they changed all the questions"... Artificial intelligence is surpassing us; where are we going, what do we need to do? (Mind you, I'm not complaining, just throwing the question out there.)

What do you suggest to adapt to the change? In this boat, either we all sail or we all sink. By the way, we really miss @Steve 

As someone who's new to Appsheet I just saw this and it's definitely a shame. Are there any other alternatives which offer similar features. I really like what little I've seen of Appsheet and really the mobile and offline capabilities.

If it's a shame for you, imagine how it feels for us who have been here for a long time. I mean, I wrote a book about AppSheet. I bet everything on AppSheet. It seems to me like a great app creation platform. It's a pity that Google has to set aside something like this, but it's also the reality we live in a world where we have to adapt to changes, and Google won't save AppSheet just because a couple of users want it. This is a company, and Google fights to survive, and that's okay. It's us who have to adapt to change. Regarding similar platforms, yes, they exist. Look for them; many are paid.

I must also say that it still works, but there aren't as many improvements as before. They don't even respond to user ideas anymore. It has changed a lot.

So in your opinion is it still worth developing with Appsheet? Do you have products that you have created for clients and other businesses and what happens if Google decides to pull Appsheet?

The answer to that is to do futurology and I really don't know how to tell you. Enter the Features section and see for yourself all the requests and how many have been resolved. I will continue here, as long as it serves me, AppSheet seems like a great platform to me but it is a shame that the progress is so slow. I hope that Google takes up the project with the same emphasis with which it began.

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