GETX() and GETY() not working

As mentioned in this Blog Article, we have new function: GETX(xy) and GETY(xy)

To me these are not working:


There is also a difference between this blog article and the help article.

In Blog it says:
GETX(xy) returns the X portion of an XY value as a decimal value in the range +100.000000 to -100.000000.

In Help Article it says:
GETX(xy) returns the X portion of an XY value as a decimal value in the range 0.000000 to 100.000000.

By the way: Whatโ€™s the difference between GETX([XY]) and LAT([XY]) ?

Adding @JCadence

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New Member

I believe the help article is correct, because XY columns are supposed to be 0 to 100 if I recall correctly.

Otherwise, I would imagine in this example of your it would work if you first defined it as an XY value: GETX(XY(50, 50))

GETX is for XY columns and LAT is for LatLong columns. LAT will still work for XY columns though I believe. But its mostly a everything gets its own version for clarity purposes.

NVM, tested it and it still didnโ€™t work. Maybe someone forgot to push something on their end.

There were a few updates to be made at the time of the publishing of the blog. Trust the support article at this time. Weโ€™ll work towards getting additional information once we have an update on the feature.

Use LAT() in place of GETX() and LONG() in place of GETY().
I started to implement GETX and GETY but got sidetracked.

Unfortunate LatLong and XY arenโ€™t just List typesโ€ฆ

I noticed xy type is not list type. For instance, if we want to place the initial value such as โ€œ50, 50โ€.
Then intial value expression, such as latlong(50, 50) not to work. {50, 50} neither.

Only text(50,50) worked, which gave an indication, xy type column value is actually text value.

That was my point: if LatLong and XY were list types, their component values would be available with INDEX(), so GETX() and GETY() wouldnโ€™t be such revelations. Even still:

Function Equivalence
LAT([LatLong]) DECIMAL(INDEX(SPLIT([LatLong], ", "), 1)))
LONG([LatLong]) DECIMAL(INDEX(SPLIT([LatLong], ", "), 2)))

@Stefan_Quartemont we were just talking about thisโ€ฆ

@Steve @Phil GETX and GETY never worked.
But now also LAT() and LONG() stopped working.
If I insert the suggestion in the Expression Assistant


The result is 0.

I have to use @Steveโ€™s Equivalence for LAT()

to get the right result: -122.35

Looks like a bug to me. Please contact for help with this.

I m pretty much sure GETX/GETY expression โ€œused toโ€ work before.
Yes, i tested now they are not working, returning errors.

But I also tested lat(), Long() expression they are both workings. We are able to pass either latlong type value or xy type value to lat/longs expression, so I m on a feel that the getx/gety expression is now retired and the function was marged into lat/long.

Just out of my guess work.

There was a bug that LAT("24.84, -122.35") would give no result. You had to use LAT(LATLONG(24.84, -122.35)). This is fixed now by AppSheet.

And also the example was fixed. โ€œ-122.35,24.84โ€ is outside of the world map. And there was missing a space between. Now AppSheet changed it to โ€œ24.84, -122.35โ€.

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