Google Docs template column width not ajustable


I have already looked into other topics with similar issue.
This one for example.

However i am adding the Start and End expressions inside the first and last cell.
Even though no matter what i do, reducing font size or adjust column widht inside google doc, it won't be correct.

Has anyone found a work around or a solution?, for three days i am trying to fix it.
See in the picture that the dates won't fit and the column names (Status and Avaliador) are wrapping.

Captura de Tela 2022-01-29 aฬ€s 21.36.53.png




Solved Solved
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The below suggestion is not tested, but you may wish to try it.

The [Conetudo] column seems to be long text. And yet the highest text string seems to be around 40 characters long.  You may want to test it by limiting it to say 50 characters with <<LEFT( [Resultados] ,50)>>

View solution in original post


Within the table in Google Doc, you need to make sure that every column is set to a specific width (using Table Properties not the slides on the ruler) except one column which should not have the column width set. For example here I have all columns with a set value like this one:


Except for the first column which has no column width set:





Thank you for the tip, but still it doesn't work. I can't get my template table formatted as i wish. Could it have something to do with the text length inside the cell?
Hope someone from appsheet could see this post , i have seen other posts with similar problem. =D

The below suggestion is not tested, but you may wish to try it.

The [Conetudo] column seems to be long text. And yet the highest text string seems to be around 40 characters long.  You may want to test it by limiting it to say 50 characters with <<LEFT( [Resultados] ,50)>>

This solved the issue, situation is much better now, however the values that i put into the parameters of the column are still not taking any effect. But at least the text doesn't get messed up anymore. I used 70 characters length.



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