Graph types...question or request

Does appsheet currently support this type of graph/chart and Iโ€™m not seeing it? If not, is it possible to get?

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  • UX

Not currently! However people in the tread below are working with dynamic SVGs that could make it possible to do something similar (based on your knowledge of SVGs).


Review the above thread regarding SVG graphics.

The most significant (maybe only) limitation of using SVGโ€™s within AppSheet is that they do not work in internet explorer.

If you can work around that limitation, the graphs you posted above would be doable using dynamic SVG.

Thanks! I dont know anything about SVGs but will try and play with this. Currently Iโ€™m stuck using PowerBI, but we cant publish to the web so anything I do is stuck behind our firewall. Having in the app will be much nicer.

If you are unfamiliar with SVGโ€™s it could be a little bit of a challenge - they definitely fall outside the scope of โ€˜low-codeโ€™ or โ€˜no-codeโ€™

@Mike has an example SVG app set up that iโ€™m sure you could get access to - there are some useful things there to check out.

This weekend I have some spare time and I could look at tinkering with a guage-style SVG as you posted above!


Take a look through the whole thread as there is a lot to learn. SVG can do the charts you show but will take some work to get is right. @Jonathon has been a big help on this area

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