Help with navigation between two apps

I have two apps I am interacting between and have two paths - “normal” path and an “error” path.

"Normal" path

Most times, I navigate from App1 to a Form in App2, then follow a “normal” path that saves a few user choices, goes to a Detail view to confirm and presents an Overlay action that the user presses to transition back to App1.

This flow works very well.

"Error" path

On occasion, when I transition from App1 to App2, the state might be such that I want to follow an “error” path - save a record of the visit but then go immediately back to App1.


Initially I tried using a grouped action attached to the App2 Form Save. I set the Behavior in each action so that only one of two actions would execute. Action1 would follow the “normal” path while Action2 would follow the “error” path.

However, in the “error” path, because of the transition from App2 back to App1, it interrupts any saves with the error below. Clicking Yes, transitions back to App1 but no save occurs.

Workflows won’t work (though I tried anyway) because they execute on the server and there is no UI for them to operate on.

My backup plan is to have everything follow the “normal” path.

Does anyone have an idea on how to Save AND transition between apps with a single click?

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  • UX

Not possible at the moment, though we’ve asked about this months ago.

Thanks! I’ve gone with my backup plan. On to the next!!

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