Hide related column when another column already has an existing value

I am trying to hide the information contained in the column "Selecciona los gastos que contiene la factura" when the column "Factura" shows the error that the indicated value already exists
To avoid duplication of information in the "Factura" column I introduced a Valid If that contains the following formula: Not(In([_THIS],SELECT(Company Invoices[Invoice],[Invoice ID]<>[_THISROW].[ Invoice ID])))Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-09 a la(s) 15.42.39.png



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The Valid_If doesn't control what is shown.  It can only specify what is considered valid.  Any rows included not in that valid list will be marked with the yellow-triangle warning icon - in the Key column.  

I am confused if you are trying to hide the entire Inline Table, as implied in the title,  or only hide certain rows within the Inline Table, as implied in the description.

If you wish to hide the entire table then you would place an appropriate expression in the Show_If property.

If you are trying to hide/suppress certain rows in the table, then you could adjust the App Formula to this kind of format:

If (<<Hide Condition Met>>,
     SELECT(table[row key], <<filter criteria>> ),



Thank you for your answer!
Indeed, I want to hide the entire table when the same value already exists in the "Factura" column, so the note appears saying "Esta entrada no es vรกlida" but the table is linked to this condition, when this same value already exists the table is not displayed, it's only displayed when they are new values in the "Factura" column

e.g. I already have an invoice using the name "12" so that condition appears that the invoice already exists but it shows me the information that the invoice contains and I want to hide this information when this situation occurs

That the table only appears when there are new values in "Factura"

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