How to change the "Decimal" position dependant on the unit measurement? Kilos or Portions....

Hello, Appsheet world!

I need to change the decibel  "Decimal" of Amounts for a series of rows based on the Unit, kilos or portions. The Amounts are in the Inventory sheet and the Unit is in the Items sheet...

Please assist...?

Thanks in advance!!!

0 16 235

Change them how? And the word is "decimal", "decibel" is a measure of loudness.

Good morning Marc! I stand corrected! I thought it was a bit off...I guess it was just me.

Thanks for responding! I am working on an inventory app that needs to calculate both kilograms like 11.185 kg and whole portions like 5. I would like to have the kilogram items to have a thousand decimal position but the portions to be only whole numbers.

(ะšะณ = Kg & ะŸั€ = Pr)

Thank you in advance!!!!

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Not possible. A single column can only have 1 data type.


Is there a way to assign a different column amount for the second whole

Thank you again!

>>"Is there a way to assign a different column amount for the second whole

I don't know what that means.

Thank you!

Is there a way to make a new column or table to differentiate the 2 number
formats? And how would I reference them to not change the original view in
the APP. Could you please help me to understand the steps involved?

Thank you!!!

You can add 2 extra columns. The original accepts the Decimal input. The 1st new one accepts Number input The 2nd new one mirrors the value from one of the other two, whichever is not blank. You display the 2nd new column in your table view.

I think that answers what you're asking...

Thank you!

Could you please walk me through it ๐Ÿ˜•

Thank you!!!

MarkAnthony Chesner
Bulgarian Cell: +359-885-069444

Please respond to verify this communication

Good morning Marc!

Thanks again for your time and patience!

I've been scouring the help and youtube with no luck. I can combine the display of the two columns with no problems in Google Sheets, but what I need is for the user to input, with number format constraints decimal or whole numbers, with regards to either the kilogram or portion amounts. I can't find how to connect the "Amount" input to the two different columns and then to show this number in the inventory... does that make any sense? 

It feels like I need some "Expressions" to do the job, but I am in now experienced in this...

Thanks again!!! 

From what I understand, you need only one column to store the actual value; this column should be of type Decimal with the precision set to the greatest you might need. You then want a second column, of type Text, with an App formula that formats the value of the first column as you want it for display. In your views, display the second column--with the formatted value--rather than the first--with the raw value.

Thank you!

But how do I configure the amount plus and minus in the form view???

Thank you again!!!!

In a form view, there is no way to format the value. If you want users to be able to enter a decimal component, the column type must be Decimal. If you want the user to only enter a whole number, the column must be Number.

Hi Steve!

Thanks for popping in!!!

This is what I am thinking also, I just don't know how to write expressions...

I think I need something like this:


But I would also need a way to inhibit the input for the same; only decimal input for KG and only whole number input for PR...

Do you think this is possible?

Thank you again!!!!!!!!

So to expand on what @Marc_Dillon is saying, you'll need two columns.  One of type decimal and the other of type number.  You then need to create a Show_IF function that displays one but not the other for a given senario.  That will be ok in the form view, but these would still display as seperate columns in a table view.  Unless you add a third column of type Text that looks at both of these columns and display either the decmimal or number figure.  Since a text column would be happy to show both "10.3434" or "10"

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