How to get Enum ref records to show up like Enumlist ref records in Form View

I have two groups of users, Group A and Group B.

Group A create requests which Group B respond to. When Group A are creating the requests, they have an Enumlist base type ref from which they can select related records that they want to include in the form.

I have a virtual column that copies that Enumlist and presents it as a List type column so that the referenced record can be accessed in the form view. When the users in Group B click on the record it shows a detail view. Great! However, I only want Group A users to be able to reference one record per request. Naturally, I’d use an Enum column base type ref but when I do that, I can’t get it to open up in the same detail view for Group B.

It seems that this detail view for ref records only appears when the column type is List, however, since Enum isn’t a list, it doesn’t work. Is there any workaround for this?

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I think some screenshots of what you’re talking about might be necessary to understand your issue here.

Here’s a gif of the form I have. When you click on the ref record, a detail view pops out for that ref but it seems that you can only get this detail view in a form using a List type virtual column.

I think you’re right. You can convert a single value to a List with LIST( [column] )

That works. You’re a mensch!

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