How to make Google Calendar table

what is the best way please to have the Google Calendar table linked/append to another table (for example having a ID column that reference another table), is it possible to add a column for that purpose? Thanks

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It is not possible to add normal (non-virtual) columns to calendar tables. You can add virtual columns, though.

Thanks Steve.
Would the virtual column capable to store data, i.e. can I create a virtual column to store information?

Not exactly sure what you mean by โ€œstore informationโ€. All columns store information. A virtual column cannot accept user input, though; it must be a computed value.

See also:

Thanks Steve for the clarification. Yes I wanted to have information inputted on it, and the answer is we canโ€™t.

@Steve absolutely right.
I could not find a perfect solution for a similar problem: one-to-one linking for tables โ€œMy Tasksโ€ and โ€œGoogle Calendarโ€.
But I can tell you about my searches for a solutions:

First iteration (not realizable): use โ€œGoogle Calendarโ€ key field to store reference to โ€œMy Tasksโ€ - Actions do not allow changing key fields.

Second iteration (works): use the [Web Link] field to store the link to โ€œMy Tasksโ€ ([Web Link] is not important to me and I decided to donate to them). This solution works, but not very presentable

Third iteration: In the Description field (LongText) I add a link to my task

Fourth iteration (planned): stop using [Web Link] and create a virtual column that gets a value from the Description field

Thanks for the suggestions.
I am currently using the description field to store the [taskID] of the record on the Task table that links to this.

  1. You mentioned a โ€˜linkโ€™, I wonder if saving a link instead of an ID would be a better choice? If so how can one create a link for it?
  2. I wonder if we can save the ID/link in the first line of the description, thus allowing the users to carry on inputting information in the description field, and Appsheet can read (maybe converting it using a virtual column like you suggested) only the first line of the description field to obtain the ID/link.

What do you think?

I meant exactly [ID] field (in other terminology: reference/link of tables/sheets)

First: it does not matter the number of the line in which to place the [ID] (I will search and analyze html-tag)
Secondly: keep in mind the peculiarity of different calendars: in the desktop version (usually) you can change the Description whith keeping the original link/ID. But in some Android calendars, when you change the Description field, formatting is lost (including links)

Thanks @bonameblisto
Forgive me on getting confused with the terms
when you refer to the ID field, it is the actual ID value (the 8 digit text that Appsheet generates if it creates the record), right?

Most of our users use Desktop so that shouldnโ€™t be a problem
so if I put the ID value on the first line, how may I ask Appsheet to only read the first line and link/reference it with another table please?

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