Icon moving within field

I have added a checkbox to my table (by showing/hiding a Check Action and an Uncheck Action).  The actions use the "square (Regular)" and "check-square" icons.  The checked icon looks find, but when I uncheck it the square moves to the right, as shown below.

Any ideas on how to keep the icon from moving?  Or do the icons take up space even when hidden?


Here is the first action.  The second action is the same, just reversed logic:




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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Use only a single action that toggles/inverts the value, then use a format rule to change the icon.

View solution in original post


Are you sure that the actions are attached to the same column?

Yes, both actions are Display Inline and attached to column Filter.

Ok, and there is a condition to each action so that they are hidden when not needed or you are using just format rules?

No format rules, just showing/hiding based on whether the field is TRUE or FALSE.

Can you share the action's config?

I have edited the initial post to show the action.

Currently it is impossible.


Really? ๐Ÿค”

I though I was this working somewhere



Ok, I found it. It was on Deck view instead of Table view. So table views with Inline actions doesn't allow this behaviour

Target Workday Calculator 2 - AppSheet

I know this problem is there for a while (since appsheet was in place though), so this is one of the things for the improvement with table view couple with inline actions.



Well, it does actually work, it just looks ugly when the checked and unchecked boxes do not line up.  Also, it would be nice to have a header.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Use only a single action that toggles/inverts the value, then use a format rule to change the icon.

Ah, this did it!   Everything is perfect (except there is no header over the checkbox, a minor issue.)

Thanks for the tip.

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