Initial Value Not Writing to Table

I have a table that allows updates only. When I edit a record, I want the UserEmail() to populate the email column and when saved, write the email to the table. Iโ€™m also pulling in the Tech ID from a Tech table based on the UserEmail(). Canโ€™t get that to work either. I donโ€™t know why I canโ€™t get this to work. Iโ€™ve done something similar before. I have the initial values set in the table, but the table is not being populated when I edit the record. When are initial values populated.


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Yes, with Reset on edit set to ON, the Initial value expression will be reevaluated every time the row is updated, but the user will have the option to then change the computed value (so long as the column is shown and is editable). You can also use an expression with Reset on edit to conditionally reset the columnโ€™s value. For instance, you might set the Reset on edit expression to ISBLANK([_THIS]) to give the column a computed value only if itโ€™s blank before entering the form.

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By default, the Initial value expression is only evaluated for a new row only, not for existing rows. To evaluate it for existing rows too, enable Reset on edit for that column.

I hadnโ€™t thought of that. Does that mean every time the record is edited, the value is updated? That might work. Iโ€™m thinking of service date - if a tech updates the record the following day, the service date will change. The reason itโ€™s set initially to todayโ€™s date, of course, is for ease of entry. Maybe the tech has to enter it.

Yes, with Reset on edit set to ON, the Initial value expression will be reevaluated every time the row is updated, but the user will have the option to then change the computed value (so long as the column is shown and is editable). You can also use an expression with Reset on edit to conditionally reset the columnโ€™s value. For instance, you might set the Reset on edit expression to ISBLANK([_THIS]) to give the column a computed value only if itโ€™s blank before entering the form.

Oh what a great idea. That makes perfect sense. Thanks again!

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