Inserting table into the detail view


I have a song database which contains song description. 

Song description can have abbreviations, like "eg" = "electric guitars" etc. 

I want to create Table with each abbreviations called "Legend". And then, when I add new song then I want to see in the details view the table with the abbreviations. 

Is it possible? 


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There is no straightforward way to directly add a dynamic table (with changing data) in a detail view.

There are some workarounds either with HTML or with child table like approach described in the tips and tricks section by various community members and announcements posts below

Detail Views: Space-Saving Trick to Display Column... - Google Cloud Community

Apply HTML table to detail view - Google Cloud Community

Rich Text Formatting - in Preview Program - Page 3 - Google Cloud Community


You could also experiment with SVGs that render as an image by looking at various SVG tips in the Tips and Tricks section.

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar , thank you for those links. I tried them and in my case they don't work. 
Mainly because I want to show data from one table in the detail view of another table. 

Do you have any other solutions? I was searching the forum but found no working one in my case. 

With kind regards

@ADRN wrote:

Mainly because I want to show data from one table in the detail view of another table. 

Showing  child table data in detail view of parent table is a standard configuration in Appsheet. Please explore if referencing between table works for you. There are many sample apps where you could find how it works.

please take a look at the Order Capture sample app referred below from the article Feature Sample Apps 

Order Capture Sample App

The Orders and Order details are parent child  tables in the app. The detail view of Orders displays Order details records  of the child table as  shown below.

Detail View.png




@Suvrutt_Gurjar , thanks again. 

I know this concept. But back up to the first post: I want to put full legend of abbreviations in detail view. Why it is different than just parent-child relationship? Because I require app to show full table B in all the records (which are showed per Detail View) of Table A. 

I am struggling with creating a data structure for that, because relationship-like would not work here. It would require many-to-many (one song - many abbreviations; one abbreviations - many songs) which I know how to do it but is quite complex solution. And requires that user who adds the song do additional work - which I want to omit. 

That's why I am looking for a solution to show a full table, no relationships (unless there is an elegant solution). 

Hope that helps with understanding what I want to achieve. 

Okay, thank you for these additional details.

May I request you to provide sufficient details to start with on such peculiar requirements so that community could understand and suggest better. Your initial 2 posts sounded with a simpler and different requirement.

We could try to achieve what you are aiming for. However you may need to provide sufficient details of your data structute of tables with relevant columns and reference relationships and a couple of screenshots of how you would like it to appear under detail view.

And yes, it could be complex workaround as you have already mentioned in case of many to many relationship.

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