Is there a way to know in which view a row is referencing a table?

So there is context() with view, viewtype, and so on...

But first let me describe a lil bit the situation..

Table A: This is the main log for the app, its grouped by month in descending order
i have a formula for the month that gives me the actual balance in every account we manage for the today() MONTH only


If(Text([Timestamp], "YYYY MM (MMMM)") = Text(Today(), "YYYY MM (MMMM)"),

Concatenate(Text([Timestamp], "YYYY MM (MMMM)"),

" | Banco = ",
Text(Any(Select(Cuentas[Balance], [Cuenta] = "Banco"))),

", Cash = ",
Text(Any(Select(Cuentas[Balance], [Cuenta] = "Cash")))),

Concatenate(Text([Timestamp], "YYYY MM (MMMM)")))

it gives me exactly what i want for the first row in the main page of the app.


Then there's Table B in a Detail view that has a Ref_Rows for Table A

Now here is where i don't want the above formula to work, so i tried tests with context() but even if im in a detailed view referencing Table A it gets False whether i try option View, ViewType or Table with the context() formula

is there anyway around this? to identify in a formula if the row is being referenced in a view or in another table? because what i understand about Ref_Rows is that it gets the VIEW of the table that is referenced to

Just taking a shot here, maybe there isn' a way around... if so... very much appreciated, else... well thanks for the read ๐Ÿ™‚

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To make it clearer, you may want to elaborate your requirement with a couple of screenshots if possible.

Of course,  please hide any confidential data you may have while sharing the screenshots.

Ok so here is Table A

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a la(s) 0.18.47.png

โ€ƒas you can see the month (group by) has the formula that gets me the balance of the accounts as we enter logs and this is cool for this view

Then there is this view:

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a la(s) 0.32.36.png

โ€ƒAs you can see i have referenced some payments to an employee, but i don't want the balance of the accounts displayed in that view

oohh while i was writting this, maybe my solution would be a simple slice and reference it to the slice with a new VC of the month without containing the formula of the balance!

gonna try that and get back

Yup, it worked, creating a slice, view and then instead of ref_rows i used filter...

Thanks anyway!! @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

Great. Thank you for the update @frankarv.

I was in travel after I first posted in this thread. And hence could not respond earlier.

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