Issue copying an App that uses Mysql Datasource (does not copy all the tables to the new datasource)

Hello everyone, I have problems to clone an App that uses Datasource  Mysql(10.3.31-MariaDB), I have been working for months with an App using Mysql as a data source, and currently I need to Clone the App with its data (DB), but it always happens to me, that when it indicates the new datasource ( Database-2, for example), copy to the new DB (Database-2), only some tables. The App is copied completely (Datasource: Database-1), that is, if I have 40 tables, 15 are copied fine, and the others are not copied to the new defined datasource (Datablase-2), but internally, the tables that could not be copied remain pointing to the datasource "Database-1", and those that could physically copy, are left pointing to Database-2, that is, a mixture of data sources in the new APP.

In conclusion, it copies the APP well, but some tables cannot be copied to the new Datasource, and remain pointing to the original datasource.  @Steve 

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Entire app copies often fail when the app is too large. 40 tables sounds like a lot. It could be an internal Appsheet timeout issue, it could be an issue with some of the tables, it could be something else.

Copy the tables individually with "copy to new data source". Then copy the entire app without copying the source. Then manually change each table to the new source.

Thank you Marc, for your prompt response.

It hit me as you say, I did it as follows: 1) copy app without data, 2) In BD Mysql, I made a copy of the database, 3) for each table, I did in table>storage>source path>browse form more data, and change the data source of each table and voila!

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