Limitations on using Excel features

Newbie questions, which must have been asked before -

  1. Is there an article which says what features of Excel will not work when used to create an AppSheet? Or an article that says which features do work?
  2. If I am using more than one worksheet from an Excel spreadsheet, and there are Excel formulae in one worksheet that refer to another worksheet, will that work?
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  1. I am not aware of such an article. There are limitations on which Excel formulas will work. I suggest simply trying your worksheets.
  2. Yes, that should work.

Thanks Phil,
On point (1), would form controls (e.g. used to generate tick boxes) in an Excel spreadsheet work in AppSheet - I’m guessing not?


Sort of: use a column of type Yes/No, add it to a detail view, and make it a quick-edit column. It will appear as a toggle switch, not as a checkbox. There are other options, too, but this is the simplest.

Thanks Steve, that sounds good.

I can see how to create a virtual column with Yes/No, but I’m not clear what you mean by adding it to a detail view.

Is that method, and the other options you mention, covered somewhere in, or used in any of the sample Apps I can look at?

Hi @George_S_Gordon These may help

This sample app is in my portfolio if you need more info. Its the Truck W/F app.

I am not sure if I ever tried that. I would guess not, but I am only guessing.

I’m guessing too but, based on what I’ve read so far, I can’t see what AppSheet would do with them to make the tick boxes available to the App user?

Is there a way to ask the user Yes/No questions in an App, e.g. like a “tick box” or radio button?

Thanks Lynn, that will be very helpful.

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