Notification body not showing

Hello, i'm experiencing this problem:

In my workflow, when two conditions are met, a notification is sent. This part works perfectly. But the problem is that in the body of the notification, when it's sent, it just shows the first of three values, like this:

Room: <<any(Select(lugar_reservado[lugar_reservado_base];[id_lugar_reservado]=[_thisrow].[lugar_reservado]))>>.

Travel Agency: <<select(agencias_viaje[nombre_agencia];[origen_reserva]=[_thisrow].[id_agencia])>>.

Guest: <<any(Select(huespedes[huesped];[id_huesped]=[_thisrow].[huesped]))>>.โ €

It only shows the room. The other two expressions are fine, i've tested them on a test column. I have tried to do this with other values but it just wonยดt work. What i'm missing here?




0 3 75

Please show the columns of the table on which you are running this bot.

Hello Joseph, thanks for your answer. Here is a picture of all the columns of the table, they are side by side because i cant fit them all in a vertical picture.



Thanks again for taking your time to help me.



I've just corrected the one for "travel agency". Now this one is working, the formula was wrong.

This is the right one:


Travel Agency: <<any(select(agencias_viaje[nombre_agencia];[id_agencia]=[_thisrow].[origen_reserva]))>>.


But i can't figure it out for the Guest one. Maybe it doesn't work because it's an "Ref" type column? 

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