OR in slices

In DATA > Slices

I want to have a slice that refrences a col that has a dropdown 

The dropdown has 6 options.

I want the slice to show content from two of the six options

I've tried different OR formulas but nothing is working, thank you. 

For example  this works: 

Row filter condition  [STATUS] = "Delivered"

I want this to work :

Row filter condition  [STATUS] = "Delivered", "Ready to Deliver"


Thank you 



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Have you tried OR([STATUS] = "Delivered", [STATUS] = "Ready to Deliver")?

View solution in original post


Try this formula

OR( IN( "Delivered", [Status] ), IN( "Ready to Deliver", [Status] ) )

Thanks June, I tried that and it gave me this: 

Table slice 'STATUS is ON DECK OR ROLLING' uses an invalid filter condition '=OR( IN( "On Deck", [STATUS] ), IN( "Rolling", [STATUS] ) )'. Parameter 2 of function IN is of the wrong type

I'm sorry I assumed your column is an EnumList. Can you please share the configuration of the table?

The col is a dropdown via data validation, just a list of values

Have you tried OR([STATUS] = "Delivered", [STATUS] = "Ready to Deliver")?

That worked !!! Thank you!

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