One User only show records for last 31 days

We have a lot of users, however we just want one user to see the last 31 days worth of records.

Would this be a slice?

What would the expression using UserEmail()?

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The best way is to use Security Filtering.  This actually prevent the rows from loading onto the device in the first place.  A slice does not.  

Each data table you want to filter MUST have a [Date] column to determine if the row is older than 31 days.  You would set this when the row is created/entered.

Then in each table you need to filter, you would add to the Security Filter something like:

IF("user@email.address" = USEREMAIL(),
[Date]+31 >= TODAY(),

If you decide to use a Slice, then you would use the exact same expression, in a Slice for each table you wish filtered.


I hope it helps!

View solution in original post


The best way is to use Security Filtering.  This actually prevent the rows from loading onto the device in the first place.  A slice does not.  

Each data table you want to filter MUST have a [Date] column to determine if the row is older than 31 days.  You would set this when the row is created/entered.

Then in each table you need to filter, you would add to the Security Filter something like:

IF("user@email.address" = USEREMAIL(),
[Date]+31 >= TODAY(),

If you decide to use a Slice, then you would use the exact same expression, in a Slice for each table you wish filtered.


I hope it helps!

Thank you very much. I'll give it a whirl.

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