Pulling up existing data when key number matches in the database

I currently have a database that stores ticket numbers and their associated recorded data. If I enter a ticket number that already exists in the database then it pulls up the record. Is there any way to implement this type of function in google AppSheet?


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Yes, there is a variety of ways to do what you want.

You need a table just to scan/search the records

Is there an existing AppSheet template that I can see to get an idea?

I understand I can search the records, but what if I want to search records when I'm adding a new ticket number? 

You want to look for an existing row and at the same time add a new row to the same table?

No, not exactly, what I want is that when I enter a specific ticket number in the form I'm filling on AppSheet to tell me if there is an exiting ticket number that matches the one I have entered. If it is the same then I won't add a new row because the ticket number is unique I just want to view the data listed in the ticket number. If there is no match then I will add a new row.

Well, there are workarounds to make something like that but normally you would want to treat it as two separate things.

If you want to look at old data, you have a way to scan and retrieve the info.
If you want to add new data, you have a way to make sure it's unique.

Now, for the workaround part, you could have a Show column type that shows up just when the ticket number you are tryin to add is already on the database and it could show you the info of that old record without allowing you to add a new one with the same number.
Since it's a workaround, it requires a little bit of imagination

with a show column type out of the 6 which one would be the best option, i think that text column type can show all the information linked to that ticket number

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