Random Error message after regular frequency

Hello Friends,

I have developed an application in Appsheet and it was working very well. Suddenly from last few days i have started getting below error message very frequently.

"Errors": "Unable to add row to table 'Trn_Detail'. โ†’ Access denied.", "Exception": "AuthorizationFramework.AppAccessDeniedException: Access denied.\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.PerformOperation(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion, UpdateModeEnum requiredUpdateMode, RowOperation rowOperation)\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.AddTableRow(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion)\r\n at AppApiHandler.AddTableRowHandler.AddTableRowInternal(IPerfCollector perfCollector, Context context, Op op, String appTemplateVersion, IQueryString queryString)", "ReturnedFromCache": false, "Performance": "{\"Version\":1,\"Time\":\"00:00:00.0007789\",\"PerformanceTimingRoot\":{\"Mid\":100,\"Timer\":{\"Time\":\"00:00:00.0007789\",\"ElapsedTime\":\"00:00:00\"},\"Children\":[]},\"IsEmpty\":false,\"CategorizedTimings\":{},\"TableAttributionTimings\":{}}", "Result": "Failure"


From user side there is no complaint received so far. I have also entered some test data in the application and data got saved in mysql DB without any issue. I am unable to figure out why this error message is coming. 

I have one observation when i am checking the Application audit log analyzer. I observed that some entries are coming as failed with above error message and there is no email ID or user ID shown please refer below snapshot.


at this place(marked in Red color) i see user ID or his email which he use to login to appsheet application. 


Any idea, please suggest/help.



Rohit Gaur 

0 8 279

The message is likely indicating that the particular user does not have ADD capabilities to the table "Trn_Details".  EAch table can be individually configured AND could have conditional permissions.

NOTE: Slices also have permissions specified...not sure if the error message would distinguish between tables and slices.  See Slice example below.

I hope this helps!

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10.55.06 AM.png

Example of Slice permissions

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10.58.47 AM.png


thank you for response. I have checked and observed that we have not done any configuration table settings. below snapshot is for your kind reference:


Setting on Slice are as per below:


Looks like everything is set correct but i am still not able to figure out the reason of this error.

Any other suggestion?


Rohit Gaur

@RohitGaur wrote:

AuthorizationFramework.AppAccessDeniedException: Access denied.

I didn't consider this before because there was an attempt to add a row, it seems.  But actually, looking again, the above portion of the message is saying that the "user" is not authorized/authenticated. 

First, thought is that a user had launched the app and then lost authentication AFTER.

But, As you point out there is no user id specified.  Do you have any Bots implemented that add rows into the app from external sources?  Or any Bots that use the AppSheet API at all for adding a row?


Hello Willow, 

I again checked, neither Bot is implemented to to add the rows in app from external source nor to use AppSheet API for adding the rows.

This is making me crazy now.    ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

how to diagnose this issue..


Rohit Gaur

Referring to the error i have mentioned above, One more thing i have noticed that this error is coming after every 9 minutes. 

Any help friends.

@RohitGaur wrote:

Referring to the error i have mentioned above, One more thing i have noticed that this error is coming after every 9 minutes.

This implies some automated process is attempting to add a row into your app.  If you have no automated processes in AppSheet nor any by external services that could be performing this activity then you need to contact AppSheet support.


Hi, is it possible one of your user left the app running in the browser? Also, are your users signing in with Microsoft on apple devices? I had something similar, and while I am not 100% sure, I suspect it was users leaving instances running as errors were usually occurring during bank holidays. In your log, if you expand the second line, it might help you identify which user is it, if you'd recognise a project code or address or whatever it might be that your app is handling.

In the end I gave up on trying to find out, as nobody complained of data loss and everything seems to work fine.

Hi, thanks for your response.

firstly, your assumption is correct that there is no data loss reported so far to me.

it happens every day when this error occurred after every 9 minutes. i tried to find out some thing out of the log but couldn't figure out any useful information. 

if application is left opened in browser. Then it will only sync. i checked in the log, in this case user id is logged in the log analyzer. but in this error specific case, no user id.. not useful data figured out from the error message. i am putting that error message for your reference also:

Error: "AuthorizationFramework.AppAccessDeniedException: Access denied.\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.PerformOperation(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion, UpdateModeEnum requiredUpdateMode, RowOperation rowOperation)\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.AddTableRow(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion)\r\n at AppApiHandler.AddTableRowHandler.AddTableRowInternal(IPerfCollector perfCollector, Context context, Op op, String appTemplateVersion, IQueryString queryString)"

Properties: { "TableName": "Trn_Detail", "tzOffset": "-60", "apiLevel": "2", "isPreview": "false", "checkCache": "true", "locale": "en-US", "appTemplateVersion": "1.000964", "localVersion": "1.000964", "timestamp": "2023-05-24T11:03:35.928Z", "requestStartTime": "2023-05-31T15:50:05.032Z", "lastSyncTime": "2023-05-11T09:56:12.7140767Z", "appStartTime": "2023-05-01T16:49:14.889Z", "dataStamp": "2023-05-31T11:42:36.72Z", "clientId": "5293e371-5139-4ee2-b0ed-9e6ee44c77db", "build": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-1682669381916-68fd1df4", "requestId": "15702423", "mechanism": "Form", "viewName": "Slice_Trn_DetailOutputDataEntry_Form", "AppTemplateVersion": "1.000964", "RowSize": 607, "AppTemplateName": "4cd3ec0f-a65e-44cc-824f-c931755a83e8", "Operation": "Add row", "RecordType": "Stop", "Errors": "Unable to add row to table 'Trn_Detail'. โ†’ Access denied.", "Exception": "AuthorizationFramework.AppAccessDeniedException: Access denied.\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.PerformOperation(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion, UpdateModeEnum requiredUpdateMode, RowOperation rowOperation)\r\n at Nirvana.Internal.InternalAPI.AddTableRow(Context context, Op op, Int32 userId, String appTemplateVersion)\r\n at AppApiHandler.AddTableRowHandler.AddTableRowInternal(IPerfCollector perfCollector, Context context, Op op, String appTemplateVersion, IQueryString queryString)", "ReturnedFromCache": false, "Performance": "{\"Version\":1,\"Time\":\"00:00:00.0013437\",\"PerformanceTimingRoot\":{\"Mid\":100,\"Timer\":{\"Time\":\"00:00:00.0013437\",\"ElapsedTime\":\"00:00:00\"},\"Children\":[]},\"IsEmpty\":false,\"CategorizedTimings\":{},\"TableAttributionTimings\":{}}", "Result": "Failure" }     


Please let me know if you can figure out something from this.


Rohit Gaur


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