Reduce FullName into just FirstName and LastName

Hi dear! Good morning!

Can someone help me solve that?
Reduce FullName into just FirstName and LastName!

My initial idea was something like this:
CONCATENATE(TRIM([FirstName])," ",TOP(SORT(SPLIT([LastName], ", ",),FALSE), 1))

But I still haven't made it!!

practical example:
They want Eduardo Sรญria de Toledo Carmelo

RESULT: Eduardo Hapuque Carmelo

Solved Solved
1 4 367

I'm still not sure I understand.

Maybe this helps: If you have a text value (e.g., last name) that comprises several words (e.g., parts of a last name) separated by a space, then you should be able to extract the last word from that value using an expression along the lines of the following.

INDEX(SPLIT([LastName], " "), COUNT(SPLIT([LastName], " ")))

View solution in original post


I don't understand what data you're starting with and what result you want. I suggest post a few example of what value(s) you have in which column(s) and what you value(s) want to transform that into.

Meanwhile, ICYMI:

  • SORT arranges values in a list by alphabetical order
  • SPLIT([LastName], ",") assumes the text value in [LastName] includes commas that indicate where you want to break the text into separate values in a list
  • SPLIT([LastName], ", ",) includes a superfluous comma at the end

Son of columns. One for LastName and one for LastName. It turns out that in
our table, there are people with up to 5 words or more in LastName.
We want to summarize LastName just for the last word of LastName.

In cases like these that we could have LastName with an undetermined amount
of words, how should I define any amount?

*Split([LastName], ...) *

โ—ยฟEso es posible?

I'm still not sure I understand.

Maybe this helps: If you have a text value (e.g., last name) that comprises several words (e.g., parts of a last name) separated by a space, then you should be able to extract the last word from that value using an expression along the lines of the following.

INDEX(SPLIT([LastName], " "), COUNT(SPLIT([LastName], " ")))

Muchisimas gracias mi noble caballero dbaum!!! Ha funcionado!!! Cordial saludo!

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