Reference an image field on an email attachment template

I am using a Google Doc template named “Estimate Template” and would like to reference an image field from a table but the result is text instead of displaying the image.

Table with logo image : Access
Field name : Company Logo
Field Type : Image
Reference on template : <<Access[Company Logo]>>
Result on “Estimate” attachment : Access::Access_Images/2.Company Logo.171921.jpg

Another field setup in the same manner as above that gives the desired result :
Table with company name: Access
Field name : Company Name
Field Type : Text
Reference on template : <<Access[Company Name]>>
Result on “Estimate” attachment : Professional Home Repair, LLC

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Bill

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

should be:

<<INDEX(Access[Company Logo], 1)>>

Wonderful. That worked.
Is there a way to resize the resulting image to a smaller size ?

I must be missing something. It had no effect on the resulting image.

I resized the image (140 x 125) prior to inserting into the record and I got the desired size.

Thanks Steve.

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