Reference table in Offline app

We have an offline app which holds all of our forms in case connectivity is down. All other forms have their own apps with an Employees table as a reference. However in the offline app, there can be only one Employees table. The forms have an Email field and a Name field. The email is the key in some and in others, the name field is the key.

We can only have one key in the offline app, what is the solution to needing two seperate keys? As we can't have two seperate employee tables. 

Or is it a case of making a completely seperate employees table and replicating the names etc?

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I don't understand your situation.

Nonetheless, in case it's helpful, keep in mind that you can use a single data source in multiple apps. For example, create an Employees worksheet and add that single worksheet as an Employees table in each of multiple apps.

Sorry for not explaining clearly. So we have the employees worksheet in all 80 of our apps.

We have then built one app with all 80 apps within it so it is all in one place, including the employees worksheet.

The problem we have is that the key column differs between Name and Email in the apps. But as there is only one key column available in the big app, my question is how can we have two without creating a copy of the employees worksheet.

@Gregorrrry wrote:

one app with all 80 apps within it

I'm not sure what this means. Maybe one app that can be used to launch each of the other apps--like the app launcher described in AppSheet Help?

@Gregorrrry wrote:

The problem we have is that the key column differs between Name and Email in the apps.

It's unclear why it seems to matter in one app's table which is the designated key column in another app's table--even if the tables share a data source. It's also unclear why you seem to need two key columns in your hub app. If for some reason you do need both email and name values in the key, consider creating a composite key using a virtual column to compute a concatenation of both columns.

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