Remove duplicates from list

Hi there!,

I really hope the comunity here is active, i have a problem that i been trying to crack for 1 week now ๐Ÿ˜ž

basicly i have a list of languages that i get from a virtual column that find it in a parent table, and the result is 


so what i want to achieve is to remove the duplicates, and i already googled it and tried bunch of options like


but does not want to work, any ideas?

0 3 76

SELECT has a third parameter ๐Ÿ˜‰

I know that select has a third parameter and it does not work, keep in mind that each record that i have is an enum list which means that every user has a column with lets say spanish, english etc... so when i select them what i get is rows of enumlists and the third parameter does not do anything

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