Rename Menu View from Dropdown


So I want to change the menu view name based on a drop down from another view.
For example, user picks Countries by continent from a drop down in a form. Once saved the view named “Countries” on the menu view changes to “Countries by continent”.
Do I use a behavior for that? Confused as to what formula to use or if I’m linking to another page.


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Hey Ivy.

In the view there’s a section (Display) and inside it you’ll find “Display name.”

You can either use regular text (like you see in the image below) or if you hit the toggle you can use a formula:

Inside the formula space you can build your formula there, some kind of IF() statement.

Where is this dropdown? In Usersettings? If so, an example of what that formula would look like is this:

  "Countries by continent", 

If your dropdown is a selection of continents and you wish to include that specific continent name in the view title, your formula would look something like this:

   concatenate("Countries by ", usersettings(Countries_By_Continent)),

View solution in original post


Hey Ivy.

In the view there’s a section (Display) and inside it you’ll find “Display name.”

You can either use regular text (like you see in the image below) or if you hit the toggle you can use a formula:

Inside the formula space you can build your formula there, some kind of IF() statement.

Where is this dropdown? In Usersettings? If so, an example of what that formula would look like is this:

  "Countries by continent", 

If your dropdown is a selection of continents and you wish to include that specific continent name in the view title, your formula would look something like this:

   concatenate("Countries by ", usersettings(Countries_By_Continent)),

Thanks, how about if the column is not in user settings but just a random table?

Just replace the “usersettings” table name in the example with the name of the “random” table. I assume it’s not actually random

Not quite @Mike, @ivyberries you’ll need to change the syntax:

   concatenate("Countries by ", usersettings(Countries_By_Continent)),


If you need to find something based on the USEREMAIL(), replace the part inside the ISNOTBLANK() with a LOOKUP():

LOOKUP(USEREMAIL(), Users, User_Email, Column_You_Want)

@MultiTech_Visions - oops! I don’t use usersettings much yet…

@Mike yeah, tried that. Failed but made me think.
@MultiTech_Visions That worked like a charm, thank you very much.

Sorry, I don’t understand why I cant wrap my head around this. Now I cant pick any other choices from the dropdown to display as View Name except countries by continent.

I try comparing inside the if (), I get this error “Cannot compare List with Text”. Is there a way to compare, check if true(Selected by User) and pick that option from dropdown to display as View Name?

How are you storing this data? It would help to have a little understanding of how you’ve put things together, then I can give you a formula example more directly related.

Are these controls in UserSetting or a table?

So I have my country sheet blank except for my heading, [Name].
In data, I put column [Name] as enum and placed my choices on that. So the view has my dropdown, about 6 choices. Depending on what the user picks I want the view name to change. The formula above is great only it gives me one choice…hope I make sense.

How many people will be using this app, and will each user get their own record in the “Country” sheet?

Sounds like you’ve got a “control” sheet, this is a good setup, we just need to dial in for one or many people.

If you’re the only person using the app, and there will only be one record in the Country table, then you could simply wrap the table part of your formula in a ANY() - this pulls 1 record out of a list.


But if you’re going to have multiple people using the app, and you’re not using private tables, it might be a better idea to move this control into UserSettings, this way it’s always user specific.

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