Send automated email to more than one address, based on filter/lookup

Hi - I'm looking to send email notifications to multiple, specific people, based on a column in the team table.

Each record has a [Cloud or Industry], and within my Team Assignments, people are assigned Clouds or Industries they're responsible for. My problem is having the automation send the email to more than one person.

My current formula is:

Lookup([Cloud or Industry Name],"Team Assignments","Cloud or Industry Assignment","Email")

How do I get this to keep searching all the records in the table, and send to all contacts with that particular assignment?

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LOOKUP() is a wrapper for ANY(SELECT()). The ANY() part returns only a single record. So you just need to use SELECT alone.

Additionally, for the to field of an email task, make sure to wrap it in TEXT() as well...TEXT(SELECT(...))

View solution in original post


LOOKUP() is a wrapper for ANY(SELECT()). The ANY() part returns only a single record. So you just need to use SELECT alone.

Additionally, for the to field of an email task, make sure to wrap it in TEXT() as well...TEXT(SELECT(...))

Thank you. End formula was:

Text(SELECT(Team Assignments[Email], ([_THISROW].[Cloud or Industry Name]=[Cloud or Industry Assignment])))

For anyone else who might get stuck here - I was having an error for a while because I used

[_THISROW].[Cloud or Industry Name]=Team Assignment[Cloud or Industry Assignment]

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