Stacked Table

Hello everybody! I'm new with appsheet and I need help. My question is, there is any item or something like a stacked table. I want to show my excel data in that way, I attach an example of a "stacked table" for you to understand my idea.

There is a way to solve or develop my issue?



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If you're asking whether it's possible in a single screen in an AppSheet app's UI to display data above certain columns in a table view like appears in your screenshot's first few rows, the answer is no. On the other hand, depending on the nature of the data, it's probably possible to generate a file from an app that's similar to your screenshot.

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If you're asking whether it's possible in a single screen in an AppSheet app's UI to display data above certain columns in a table view like appears in your screenshot's first few rows, the answer is no. On the other hand, depending on the nature of the data, it's probably possible to generate a file from an app that's similar to your screenshot.

Thank you for the response dbaum! I wanted to create a table view like my screenshoot table. I understand that it is not possible. Itยดs OK for me! Thanks

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