Sum multiple columns individually

Hi All

How to add column individually across the table under the condition line="MY A2" ?

Sum Col.jpg

0 3 206

If you mean, how do you add columns together across a row where [Line] - "MY A2", then there is no elegant way or function to do so.  You would simply create an expression to add this:

{column 1] + [column 2] + {column 3] + ... + [column N]

This would be the expression inserted into either "Initial Value" or "App Formula" (depending on your desired behavior) property of the column that should hold the result.

If you mean something different, please elaborate.

Hi Willow

Sorry for not making you understand what I mean. What I mean how to add up the row value on column J if the value in Column N is MY A2, add up the value in Column O if the value in Column N is MY A2,add up the value in Column P if the value in Column N is MY A2,add up the value in Column T if the value in Column N is MY A2,


I will put the expression at the slice here



I know there is an easy way out but creating a tab write a query. But I hope there is a way to do it direct only the actual tab instead of creating a new tab. I can just write this formula =QUERY('HC Chart'!A:U,"SELECT F,H,N,SUM(J),SUM(O),SUM(P),SUM(R),SUM(T) WHERE F IS NOT NULL GROUP BY F,H,N LABEL SUM(J) 'LINE HC',SUM(O) 'LOAD HC',SUM(P) 'LOAN HC',SUM(T) 'MH LOAD'",1) and link the table but I don't want this way



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