Trouble getting an action to run

Hi, Iโ€™m having a bit of trouble getting an action to run.

Essentially, I have a Service Ticket table with an Status Enum column with three options: In Progress, Return Visit Required, Resolved.

If a Service Ticket Form is saved, I have an action set up that Iโ€™d like to create a new row in the service ticket column with some of the same values of the original ticket, then marked in progress so we automatically have a new service ticket created for the follow up visit.

I have the below action created:

And Iโ€™m trying to get it to run based on this form setup.

I canโ€™t get the action to run though. Iโ€™ve gone through some of the previous posts but canโ€™t find anything obviously wrong. Any hints? Thanks in advance!

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Please pay attention that your source table and the target table in the action set-up are the same tables.

Hi Levent, ah ok. I thought you could add a row to the same table with this action. So I guess I could create a new table for return visit required tickets. Is there another option that would add the row to the same table without opening the row to edit?

You can use webhook workflow with preset Add row: AppSheet API

Thank you Levent, appreciate it. Will delve into this!

Mr Levent, you can create a record to a same table as well and trigger that action with an Event action. Soโ€ฆ the reason is coming from somewhere else. @Wallace_Service Have you checked what it says on Audit History? Does it work if you trigger it directly from the action button?

Mr. Aleksi, the workflowโ€™s Do this property explicitly says: add a new row to another table using values from this row. Therefore I humbly think that the action logic will not work if you try to create a record at the same table then your source.

Yes thatโ€™s true. Maybe we should change the naming slightly

Hi guys, the action works if I do it manually from the action button. I donโ€™t see anything in the logs about the action unless I click the button.

To clarify all of the above, you can use an action of type Data: add a row to another table using values from this row to add a row to the same table, despite the action type name. In your case, you should be using it to add a new row to the same table, as you were originally attempting. You should not need to use a web hook, though you could if youโ€™d prefer.

Assuming youโ€™re using the action as youโ€™d originally attemptedโ€ฆ

Theโ€™s no obvious reason the action shouldnโ€™t work.

Does the action have an Only if this condition is true expression? If so, please post a screenshot of the entire expression.

What is the key column of the Service Ticket table?

Hi Steve, here is the screenshot of the Only if this condition is true expression.

The key column of the Service Ticket table is Table ID.

I have the service ticket form view set to run the action when the row is saved as well.

I donโ€™t see a reason it wouldnโ€™t work. Please contact for help with this.

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