Update a record in a table using using a recorded form response

I have read a lot, but can't figure this out. If I have:

  1. One table that records a list of people and their current favorite fruit
  2. Another table that records changes in a person's favorite fruit

How can I use the form from table 2 to update records in table 1? Here are my tables:



I've got the app set up how I want it:




But I can't seem to make the actions and connections necessary so that:

  1. Bob's favorite fruit changes to strawberry on the Records table
  2. The UpdatesList table records a new entry (can do this part right now)
  3. The Records table shows that Bob's favorite fruit changed (yes), maybe colored with a format rule

This video got me close, but I couldn't get it to work. Can anyone explain how to do this? TIA


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I appreciate the nudges. I went back and rewatched a video or two, read a bunch more documentation, and then was finally able to figure this out using the LOOKUP() and SELECT() functions/expressions. The steps for doing this, I think, are fairly complicated, so I recorded a video that should help anyone else who encounters this challenge.


View solution in original post


Ohne Ihre Aktionen zu kennen, kann man schlecht Lรถsungen finden. Folgendes wรคre eine Lรถsung nach der Frage:

Daten: Fรผhren Sie eine Aktion fรผr eine Reihe von Zeilen aus                                                         Action 1


MaรŸnahme 1

Fรผr eine Aufzeichnung dieser Tabelle


Mach das

Daten: Fรผhren Sie eine Aktion fรผr eine Reihe von Zeilen aus

Referenzierte Tabelle


Referenzierte Zeilen


"TABELLENNAME",[Spalte]= [_THISROW]. [Spalte)

Referenzierte Aktion

Nach Eingabe der Action 2 diese Action 2 auswรคhlen!!


Nur wenn diese Bedingung wahr ist

Kรถnnte sein! [Statusspalte] = "Komplett" 

Wirkung: Daten: Legen Sie die Werte einiger Spalten in dieser Zeile fest                                                                          Action 2 


MaรŸnahme 2

Fรผr eine Aufzeichnung dieser Tabelle


Mach das

Daten: Legen Sie die Werte einiger Spalten in dieser Zeile fest

Legen Sie diese Spalten fest

Zu den definierten Konstanten- oder Ausdruckswerten

Kรถnnte sein!




Nur wenn diese Bedingung wahr ist



Vergessen Sie nicht, im Editor unter Ansichten Ihrer "Eingabetabelle" das Verhalten festzulegen!!

Ereignisaktionen Zu ergreifende MaรŸnahmen, wenn Ereignisse auftreten.

Formular gespeichert

MaรŸnahme 1


Thanks for your help. I've tried something similar but I can't get it to work. Here's what I've tried:

For the first action:

Action nameAction1
For a record of this tableUpdatesList
Do thisData: execute an action on a set of rows
Referenced TableRecord
Referenced Rows= FILTER("Record",[Changed?]=[_THISROW].[New favorite fruit])
Referenced ActionAction2
ProminenceDo not display

Note: I'm probably having the most trouble with the Referenced Rows part. I'm just trying to change "Favorite fruit" to whatever the new favorite fruit which was selected when the UpdatesList form was filled out, and also "Changed?" to "Yes".

For the second action:

Action nameAction2
For a record of this tableRecord
Do thisData: set the values of some columns in this row
Set these columnsChanged? = "Yes"
ProminenceDo no display

In the view for UpdatesList under Behavior I have this:

Event ActionsRow Selected: Action1

Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong? I'm clearly getting something mixed up, but I can't figure out what. Thanks in advance for any further help you can provide.

Das sieht eigentlich gut aus, nur der Filterausdruck sollte so lauten: 


FILTER("Record",[Person] =[_THISROW].[Person who favorit])


Haben Sie in Ihrer Ansicht Formular  "Updates-Liste" das Verhalten festgelegt?

Ereignisaktionen Zu ergreifende MaรŸnahmen, wenn Ereignisse auftreten.

Formular gespeichert

MaรŸnahme 1

I appreciate the nudges. I went back and rewatched a video or two, read a bunch more documentation, and then was finally able to figure this out using the LOOKUP() and SELECT() functions/expressions. The steps for doing this, I think, are fairly complicated, so I recorded a video that should help anyone else who encounters this challenge.


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