User cannot sync due to data mismatch

I have an [inspection] app that has an expression in a number of columns that sets the value to 'N/A' when an inspection is not possible.

The issue is that one column is an Enum with values of Yes and No with no other options allowed.  This has caused the below sync error.

"Errors": "Unable to add row to table 'Inspections'. โ†’ Value 'N/A' in field 'Erected to TG20' cannot be converted to type 'Enum'.",

I've changed the app to allow this value but the device still has the older version and, it seems, will not update to the newer version before it's sync'd the data that is waiting...... which it can't!
(other inspections are queued behind this and cannot be synced either)

Any suggestions on what to do?

Solved Solved
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Thanks Marc - Issue sorted by the user using "Reset Changes" to remove the queued data and then syncing the app to the latest version

View solution in original post


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Thanks Marc - Issue sorted by the user using "Reset Changes" to remove the queued data and then syncing the app to the latest version

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